A simulation approach to reliability assessment of a redundant system with arbitrary distributions of uptime and repair time of its elements

Hector Gibson Kinmanhon Houankpo, Dmitry Kozyrev, Emmanuel NIBASUMBA, Bienvenue N'dah MOUALE MOUTOUAMA, Irina Artemovna Sergeeva
With the rapid development and spread of computer networks and information technology, researchers face new sophisticated and complex challenges of both applied and theoretical nature in investigating the reliability and availability of networks and data transmission systems.\par In current paper, we study the system-level reliability of a multiple redundant system using the simulation approach. Also, we obtain the values of the relative repair rate at which the desired level of reliability is achieved, present plots of the system uptime probability and plots of the empirical distribution function and the empirical reliability function. Software implementation of the developed simulation algorithms was carried out on the basis of the R language.