
Beyond 5G: use-cases, applications and design specifics of terahertz band communications

Prof. Dmitri Moltchanov(Finland)

While the standardization efforts towards 5G cellular technology is almost over, the researchers concentrate their attention on what is the next step in wireless communications might be. One of celebrated candidate enablers for beyond 5G systems is terahertz band capable of providing tens on gigagertz of concecutuve bandwidth to achieve unprecedented rates at the air interface. In this talk, not limiting ourselves to cellular technologies, we discuss prospective applications and use-cased of terahertz communications including both macro- and micro-scale ones. We then highlight the specifics of prospective terahertz wireless access systems with novel problems and potential solutions including propagation models, beamtracking algorithms and security issues.

About the speaker

Dmitri Moltchanov avatar

Prof. Dmitri Moltchanov

  • Tampere University of Technology,
    Laboratory of Electronics and Communications Engineering
    University Lecturer

Dmitri Moltchanov received the M.Sc. and Cand.Sc. degrees from the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications, Russia, in 2000 and 2003, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the Tampere University of Technology in 2006. Currently, he is University Lecturer in with the Laboratory of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, Finland. He has (co-)authored over 150 publications on wireless communications, heterogeneous networking, IoT applications, applied queuing theory. In his career he has taught more than 50 full courses on wireless and wired networking technologies, P2P/IoT systems, network modeling, queuing theory, etc. His current research interests include research and development of 5G/5G+ systems, ultra-reliable low-latency service, industrial IoT applications, mission-critical V2V/V2X systems and blockchain technologies.